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UNRWA boss resigns amid probe into misconduct claims
UNRWA chief visits refugees of Yarmouk Camp in Syria
Is the US trying to dismantle UNRWA?
UNRWA, for Palestine refugees
Press Conference following the Extraordinary Virtual Ministerial Pledging Conference on UNRWA
US plans to restore aid to UN Palestinian refugee agency slammed by Israel
Pierre Krähenbühl: Syria’s Impact on Palestine Refugees
Al Jazeera talks to Sami Mshasha of UNRWA
UNRWA at 70: Responding to crises and building a just future
UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl visited Yarmouk
UN Chief Praises Impact of Palestine Refugee Agency - 2019 UNRWA Pledging Conference
UNRWA, PALESTINE - US Middle East Plan